JCA Receives Comcast NBC Grant to Shatter Stereotypes Through Music, Art

We are proud and excited to to announce that JCA’s Heyman Interages Center and the JCA Gorlitz Kensington Clubs are winners of The Comcast NBC Universal Foundation’s 2021 Project Innovation Grant Challenge. The Comcast NBC Universal Foundation awarded the funds to non-profits that are strengthening communities through innovative solutions.

With this new $13,000 grant, Jewish Council for the Aging is able to continue its Intergenerational Arts program. We will use the money to support our program that helps shatter stereotypes and reduce stigma surrounding dementia by connecting different generations virtually while at the same time, teaching teens about much-needed allied health careers that serve older adults with dementia (music therapy, art therapy, recreation therapy).

By expanding the Intergenerational Arts program, we will help grow social connections between generations through art and music. We will serve teenage volunteers, older adult volunteers and seniors with a diagnosis of early-stage Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia.

This grant is more than an award to our program-it is a celebration of our mission and we are very happy to share this exciting opportunity for growth.

JCA will be closed in celebration of Rosh Hashanah starting at 3:00 PM on October 2 through October 3 and 4.

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