You’ve spent a lifetime caring about people. Creating a legacy will ensure that your spirit of care and generosity will continue when you are no longer here, yet it won’t impact your current financial situation.
The simplest way to make a legacy gift is to name JCA in your will, life insurance policy, or retirement plan. Use the form linked below to communicate your wishes to your attorney.
We are very grateful for including JCA as a beneficiary of your bequest. Please use one of the forms below to keep us informed!
A last will and testament is a legal document that lets you decide what happens with your estate after you pass away. Yet, according to a recent survey, almost two-thirds of all Americans don’t have a will.
There are numerous reasons to prepare a will, perhaps most importantly, to minimize stress on your loved ones.
JCA has partnered with FreeWill to provide the community with a free online tool to create a legal will. It’s an easy way to complete this important task and create a lasting legacy gift.
Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support and appreciation for JCA and its mission while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate-planning, and philanthropic goals. Smart planning enables you to possibly increase the size of your contribution to JCA and/or reduce the tax burden on your heirs. Just as important, a planned gift is a meaningful contribution to JCA.
We would like to thank you for your legacy gift and provide good stewardship of the funds you entrust to us! Please use one of the forms linked below, online or printed, to report a gift in your will or trust.
JCA is proud to be a pioneer member of the Greater Washington Jewish Community’s Create a Jewish Legacy Campaign, which is described in this video.
By naming philanthropic organizations in their wills, life insurance policies or other estate plans, donors enable their good deeds and cherished values to continue when they are no longer here.