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Thank you for donating to JCA!

With your generous contribution, you can provide:

  • Four “loaves of love” for $36
  • Tuition for a Career Gateway jobseeker for $75
  • A month of Senior Helpline database support for $100
  • Literacy program supplies for Interages volunteers for $180
  • Three months of preventative bus maintenance for $250
  • Scholarship for a week Kensington Clubs for $500


volunteer portal HTML

Volunteers are paired with a second or third grader and read with them, working on the child’s literacy. This takes place at school. Please note: areas in the school where the activity happens vary depending on each school’s available resources.

School Location Day of the week Time Notes
Greencastle Elementary School 13611 Robey Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20904 Tuesdays 2:45-3:15 pm Ends June 4
Spark Matsunaga Elementary School 13902 Bromfield Rd, Germantown, MD 20874 Wednesdays 3:00 – 3:30 pm Through May 29, 2024


In-class support
Volunteers provide assistance and attention in language arts, math, science, and social studies. With individual students or small groups.

School Location Day of the week Time Notes
Maryvale Elementary School 1010 First St.
Rockville, MD 20850
based on mutual schedule of volunteer and teachers based on mutual schedule of volunteer and teachers Pre K students/ in the classroom


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