Seminar: Beacon 50+Expo to be held in Silver Spring and Springfield
The Beacon’s free, annual 50+Expo will return to the Silver Spring Civic Center in downtown Silver Spring on Sunday, Sept. 10, featuring informative government, nonprofit and business exhibitors, health screenings, flu shots (free with Medicare card), entertainment, giveaways and door prizes. The expo also will be held Sunday, Sept. 17 from noon to 4 p.m. at t he Springfield Town Center.
Matt Quinn of Quinn’s Auctions, a seven-year veteran of “Antiques Roadshow,” will deliver the keynote address: “What valuables are hiding in your attic or basement?” Also, professionals from Quinn’s will be on site to provide verbal appraisals of hand-carryable items (art, books, crystal, jewelry, etc.).
The winners of this year’s Grand Door Prize at each Expo will enjoy a trip for two to China, including airfare from Washington, most meals, luxury hotels, guided tours and more.
The Beacon Newspaper’s 50+Expo is presented as a community service with support from Montgomery County. Hours are noon to 4 p.m., Sept. 10. Free admission; free parking. For more info, or to exhibit or volunteer, call the Beacon at (301) 949-9766 or visit
JCA is proud to be a sponsor. Please stop by our table to say hello.
Download the PDF for more information.