KC Blog

Dementia Conversations: Doctor Visits, Legal & Financial

KC Blog / By JCA / April 3, 2024

three people in conversation

When someone is showing signs of dementia, it’s time to talk. Often, conversations with family about changing behaviors can be challenging and uncomfortable. This program provides tips for breaking the ice with your family so you can address some of the most common issues that are difficult to discuss: going to the doctor for a diagnosis …

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Alzheimer’s Caregiving: Changes in Communication Skills

KC Blog / By JCA / April 2, 2024

Illustration of a young woman and an older woman

from NIH National Institute on Aging Communication is hard for people with Alzheimer’s disease because they have trouble remembering things. They may struggle to find words or forget what they want to say. You may feel impatient and wish they could just say what they want, but they can’t. The person with Alzheimer’s may have problems with: …

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Caregiver Self-Care: Why You Should Create a Caregiver Bill of Rights

Blog, KC Blog / By JCA / April 2, 2024

caregiver reads page with older man

by Susan Stiles for NCOA A first and very important step in self-care is to establish your own Caregiver Bill of Rights. You’ve gotten the checklist from your care recipient’s health care team on how to care for them. Now, it’s time to put down on paper how you want to care for yourself and …

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How to Gain Guardianship for a Parent with Alzheimer’s

KC Blog / By JCA / March 25, 2024

woman embraces older woman

by Mary Ann Roberto of Always Home Connected Caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s disease can be challenging, especially as the disease progresses and their ability to make decisions for themselves diminishes. In such cases, gaining guardianship can provide you with the legal authority to make important decisions on their behalf. This article will guide …

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Early Detection Matters: 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s

Blog, KC Blog / By JCA / March 22, 2024

doctor looks at brain scans

by BriAnn Hill for NCOA There’s no one test that can be used to definitively diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. Instead, doctors use a combination of medical history, neurological exams, brain imaging, and other diagnostic tools to make a diagnosis with as much accuracy as possible. The approval of new therapies makes early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s even more …

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How Art Sessions Can Help With Dementia

KC Blog, Uncategorized / By JCA / March 8, 2024

older woman with watercolors

by Mary Beth Flynn for Artfully Aging The Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s—And How Art Sessions Can Help With Both As we grow older, our short-term memory starts to fade. We may forget the names of acquaintances or regularly misplace our car keys. In many cases, it’s nothing to be worried about—it’s a side effect …

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Successful Strategies for Aging

KC Blog / By JCA / March 6, 2024

smiling older man with a beard

The Alzheimer’s Association in partnership with MedStar Health presents Strategies for Successful Aging, a three-part series of virtual programs. As we age, we encounter new changes and challenges. During this 3-part series, our expert panelists will review popular areas of challenging change, and provide their guidance and tools. Please note you can attend one or …

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Alzheimer’s & Dementia Awareness and Fire & Safety Tips

KC Blog / By JCA / February 19, 2024

From the African American Health Program Attend one of these empowering events focused on Alzheimer’s & Dementia Awareness and Fire & Safety Tips. The collaboration between AAHP Aging Subcommittee and Montgomery County Fire & Safety aims to boost safety skills and offer support to families and individuals affected by Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Refreshments will be …

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8 Ways to Deal With False Dementia Accusations

KC Blog / By JCA / February 16, 2024

older woman stares blankly ahead

by Connie Chow for DailyCaring Seniors with dementia might make terrible accusations “You stole my wallet and all my money!” “You’re keeping me prisoner in my house!” “You’re trying to poison me!” Seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia commonly accuse the people closest to them of theft, mistreatment, or other terrible things. While cases of true abuse do exist, …

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Webinar: Understanding, Connecting, and Creating Moments of Joy

KC Blog / By JCA / February 16, 2024

daughter and elderly mother look at each other and smile

Webinar announcement from CaringMatters Join CaringMatters for an important webinar to learn about Alzheimer’s and dementia, free resources from the Alzheimer’s Association and guidance on how to compassionately connect with people experiencing cognitive change.Long-time CaringMatters volunteer, Carolyn Schick, will share insights from her 23-year journey as a caregiver for her parents and how a special …

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