Donate Now

YOU can help JCA build social connections, empower independence, and provide solutions to older adults and their families.

Your gift will provide the confident voice of an information specialist who understands precisely the services needed to care for a beloved parent or spouse.

Older jobseekers are wonderful candidates and need champions like you to support JCA’s employment programs.

To the isolated senior, your support appears in the form of a smiling driver or challah delivery.

For the older adult with an early-stage diagnosis of dementia, your gift helps JCA be a safe and caring place.

You can create the magic that occurs when a senior volunteer and a student are perfectly matched in one of our intergenerational programs.

Your gift will help local seniors thrive as we build bridges across generations.

You can designate your gift to a particular program or dedicate it in honor or in memory of someone you hold dear.

Donate Now

Donating Via Check

Our mailing address is:

12320 Parklawn Drive
Rockville, MD 20852

Please make your check payable to:
“Jewish Council for the Aging”

More Information

Need personal assistance or simply prefer to donate by phone?

Contact: Shane Rock, CEO


Phone: 301-255-4200