Interages Volunteer Portal

Welcome, Interages Volunteers!

Below, you will find a running list of volunteer opportunities. You are required to complete the screening and training processes and your background check before signing up for a volunteer slot. If you don’t see a program that fits your schedule, please let Indira Dingledine know. We are always working on new offerings.

Thank you for volunteering with us!colorful elephant balancing a book on its trunk

We are pleased to report that the Interages volunteer corps has grown. We are implementing a new placement process to accommodate new volunteers into the programming. We have many exciting and fulfilling volunteer opportunities for you to choose from.  This new process gives volunteers more time to view opportunities.

Below you can find the listing of Interages volunteer opportunities. Sites that have been confirmed and finalized are highlighted in yellow  light yellow rectangle

Montgomery County School Programs

One-on-one reading with 2nd and 3rd graders.

School Location Day of the week Time Notes
Wheaton Woods Elementary 4510 Faroe Place
Rockville, MD 20853
Tuesdays 3:10 – 3:45 pm


Readers Theater
Volunteers help small groups of students prepare for theatrical readings that will be performed before younger students in their school.  These sessions help students improve their reading and vocabulary, while also having fun.

School Location Day of the week Time Notes
Harmony Hills Elementary School 13407 Lydia St,
Silver Spring, MD 20906
Thursdays Lunch period, 12:05-12:35 pm 5th Graders. 10-week commitment
Spring session:
3/27: Orientation
4/3, 4/10, 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 5/29, week of 6/2
Farmland Elementary 7000 Old Gate Rd
Rockville, MD 20852
Thursdays 1:15  – 2:25 PM Orientation at Farmland: date and time TBD.
Six sessions plus performance –
dates TBD. For kindergarteners


In-class support
Volunteers provide assistance and attention in language arts, math, science, and social studies. With individual students or small groups.



School Location Day of the week Time Notes
Wheaton Woods Elementary 4510 Faroe Place
Rockville, MD 20853
Flexible Flexible Days and times to be agreed upon by volunteer and teacher
Germantown Elementary 19110 Liberty Mill Road
Germantown, MD 20874
Flexible Flexible Please see the attached spreadsheet for descriptions


After School
Enrichment activities with students

School Location Day of the week Time Notes
Maryvale Elementary
Partnership Linkages to Learning
1010 First St.
Rockville, MD 20850
Mondays and Wednesdays 4 – 5 pm Enrichment and homework help with math and reading. 2nd through 5th. Volunteers are required to attend both days


1:1 Tutoring

School Location Day of the week Time Notes


Adults and high school students share ideas and learn from one another. Share personal stories in an honest, non-judgmental, and open way. With middle and high school students. May involve crafts.

School Location Day of the week Time Notes
Redland Middle School 6505 Muncaster Mill Rd.
Derwood, MD 20855
Mondays 2:10 – 3:00 pm Orientation: February 3;  Program held February 10, 24, March 3,10, 17, 24


Look for upcoming programs and dates in the following schools:


  • Bel Pre
  • Clopper Mill
  • Capt. James E. Daly
  • Gaithersburg
  • Glen Haven
  • Grace Episcopal
  • Greencastle
  • Harmony Hills
  • Highland
  • Maryvale
  • Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School
  • Rachel Carson
  • Spark Matsunaga
  • St. Mary’s Catholic School
  • Summit Hill
  • Waters Landing
  • Weller Road
  • Wheaton Woods


  • Gaithersburg
  • Redland
  • Silver Creek


  • Montgomery Blair
  • Gaithersburg
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Thomas Edison

Monthly Reading Tutor Training Series

We hope you will join us on Zoom for our monthly Reading Tutor Training series. We are so grateful to presenter Megan Bainbridge, Reading Specialist of Captain James E. Daly Elementary School, who is providing the sessions. Each session focuses on a different Reading Tutor Training topic and lasts about an hour. Pre-registration online is required.

Please note, these sessions are providing broad tips and are not intended to be certification-level training.

Recorded Sessions


Science of ReadingSeptember 2023
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Science of Reading


Science of Reading - Decoding by Grade LevelOctober 2023
(Passcode: b@Eag26S)

Decoding by Grade Level


FluencyNovember 2023
(Passcode: apPd1.q!)



Alphabet ArcDecember 2023
(Passcode: ?bv5f.pN)

Literacy Resources


Assessments in MCPS

May 2023
(Passcode: *Ds!t2Pa)

Understanding School Literacy Testing


Assessments you can useApril 2023
(Passcode: 99x6Z#SF)

Assessments You Can Use

Obstacles and SolutionsMarch 2023
(Passcode: i2yTb$Ra)

Obstacles and Solutions


warmup exercisesFebruary 2023
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Warm-up Exercises by Grade Level


Phonemic Awareness

January 2023
(Passcode: V&00$1mv)

Gathering data to inform instruction


reading exercisesNovember 2022
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3rd – 5th grade Intermediate Reading Skills


Science of ReadingOctober 2022
(Passcode: +F7Y@DAz)



Shifts in Literacy InstructionSeptember 2022
(Passcode: z8HUV&w9)

Science of Reading (Shift to Structured Literacy from Balanced Literacy)