Jewish Council for the Aging of Greater Washington is so proud of all our awesome volunteers. On April 5, we took time to virtually recognize some of the many people who enable JCA to leave a positive effect on so many seniors.
During National Volunteer Month, we recognized:
- Marianne Miller, (pictured) a certified Medicare counselor with SHIP. She assists callers and helps train her fellow volunteers;
- Brian Wood, who leads history discussions and a philosophy club at Gorlitz Kensington Clubs;
- Martha Doyle Trio, a great pro bono musical group that gets our KC members happily singing along;
- Caitlin Yin, a high school student who co-leads Sunday Socials for KC@Home;
- Richard Burger, who tutors and reads with youngsters through our Heyman Interages Center and connects with our KC members;
- Debra Weinstein tutors youth and trains Interages volunteers;
- Fernanda Arber, a high school senior who performs through our Interages/KC Art and Music Appreciation program;
- Barbara Beizer, who mentors and reviews resumes for Career Gateway graduates;
- Don Weinstein, who reviews resumes and explains PowerPoint to Career Gateway participants and offers career guidance to high school students with Interages;
- Tamara Smith, who conducts workshops on the federal hiring process during our 50+ Employment Expos in Montgomery County and Northern Virginia.