Kesher Cafe for Young Onset Dementia

connect • share • support

Kesher Cafe is the meeting space for those with young onset dementia (diagnosis prior to age 65) and their caregivers. Each monthly session includes a group social activity and caregiver support. Activities have included “paint and sip”, art therapy, gardening, and musical entertainment.

One Sunday per month, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

June 9 | July 14 | Aug. 11 | Sept. 15

Oct. 13 | Nov. 10 | Dec. 8

*Prospective members must meet criteria for Young Onset Dementia

For more information, contact Colleen Kemp, 301-255-4204.

My husband feels he is more active socially and likes seeing others who have early onset dementia. I think he does like the group, and it is nice for us to do something together in a place where he feels comfortable. it's almost like a small party for him that is at his level and not overwhelming. I do try to create positive memories for both of us and this seems to offer that opportunity.

It's just nice to talk to other caregivers .... Only those who have experienced dementia and Alzheimer's know what we are going through.

I have received much needed resources, ideas, and support through the Kesher Cafe. I have found that other support groups are for older adults and often parents of caregivers and it is VERY different when it is a spouse or partner. My husband was not interested in the other groups, but was open to Kesher Cafe since the other group members are closer to our age and experiences. We need more resources like this in the community.