Announcing JCA’s hot-off-the-presses wish list

Here at JCA, we strive everyday, in every way, to help all seniors thrive. Sometimes, unfortunately, our caring staff and volunteers are just not enough. That is why we have put together a wish list of items we need in order to better serve senior adults in the Greater Washington D.C. region. Please, help us implement much needed improvements and sustain ongoing services. On behalf of our 90 staff and 900 volunteers and all the people who look to JCA for assistance, thank you!


  • Hire a web design firm to improve $7,500.00
  • Digital video camera with microphone: $500.00

Misler Adult Day Center

  • Seated wheelchair scale: $700.00
  • Speakers for music programs: $200.00

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

  • Fax machine improvements to comply with HIPPA regulations: $1,000.00
  • Résumé printing and portfolio cases: $1,000.00


  • One month access to VillageRides scheduling software: $750.00
  • Criminal and driver background screening for 20: $520.00

Heyman Interages Center

  • Cosmetics for our Makeover Madness program: $100.00
  • Reading, English Language and Art materials for our Intergenerational Bridges program: $180.00

Career Gateway

  • Advertising and brochures: $5,000.00
  • Sponsor a participant: $75.00


Due to frigid temperatures and icy conditions, Kensington Clubs and Kesher Cafe will be closed for in-person programming for the remainder of this week, January 22, 23, and 24. Programs will be held virtually on Zoom. All KC and Kesher Cafe members are invited to participate and can find the Zoom link in their email.

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