
USAging Offers Brochures on a Range of Topics for Older Adults

Blog, News, Uncategorized / By JCA / March 1, 2023

USAging logo

USAging, the representative organization for the national network of Area Agencies on Aging, offers more than two dozen brochures on many topics of interest to older adults and their caregivers. They are called Consumer Brochures, but they cover a range of topics including volunteering, emotional wellness, home repair, avoiding scams, transportation options, preventing isolation, tips …

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Don’t Put Off Getting Your Hearing Checked

Blog / By JCA / February 16, 2023

audiologist tests man's hearing

by David Smith, JCA Board Member Approximately one in three people between 65 and 74 have hearing loss, and 50% of those over 74 are hard of hearing.  If you are over 65, you may have wondered how well you are hearing and whether you may benefit from a hearing aid. To be certain, you …

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Substance Abuse and Addiction in the Elderly

Blog, News / By JCA / February 12, 2023

sad man with alcoholic beverage

by Alyssa Hill for Many adults aged 65 and older misuse prescription and illicit drugs, but alcohol remains the most widely abused substance. Abuse of opioids, prescription medications, and marijuana is also common. Thirty percent of the U.S. population consists of “baby boomers,” which is a generation of people born between 1946 and 1964. …

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Implications of Ending The Covid-19 Public Health Emergency

Blog, News / By JCA / February 6, 2023

stethoscope on benefits claim form

What The End Of The Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Will Mean for Older Adults by Howard Gleckman, senior fellow at the Urban Institute and immediate past president of JCA President Biden’s announcement that the Covid-19 public health emergency (PHE) will end on May 11 will have a significant impact on older adults. Some changes will be …

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Roadmap for Heirs – Gathering Financial Documentation

Blog, KC Blog, News / By JCA / January 24, 2023

drawing of a map

by Sally Pessin, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor The Most Important Thing You Can Do in the New Year that Doesn’t Involve Physical Exercise A little over a year ago, my 88-year old father took a very bad fall, and spent two months being shuttled back and forth between the hospital and rehab before he passed …

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Little-Known AirPods Feature Can Help Those with Impaired Hearing

Blog, KC Blog, News / By JCA / January 12, 2023

Happy woman with iphone and airpods

In 2018, Apple made Live Listen, a feature of iOS that lets iPhones and iPads transmit audio from their microphones directly to compatible hearing aids, work with regular AirPods. Could Live Listen help someone with severe hearing loss? A young man was pleased to learn that yes, AirPods were very successful in facilitating conversation with his …

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A New Year’s Resolution With Lasting Impact – Complete Your Will

Blog, News / By Beri Kravitz / January 9, 2023

Little boy and grandpa

Many New Year’s resolutions are made only to be broken after a short time. There is one thing you can do that will have a lasting impact⁠—make (or complete) your will. You may find it uncomfortable to think about, but we all will leave this world at some point. Leaving a will is a gift …

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You’ve Just Learned Mom Needs Help. What Do You Do Now?

Blog, News / By JCA / December 30, 2022

older woman with a cane

by Howard Gleckman, JCA Immediate Past President This is the time of year when many of us visit family. And often, we realize that mom or dad needs more help getting through the day than we imagined. Maybe help cooking or cleaning. Maybe much more. But realizing they need support is just the beginning of …

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Older Workers Make Good Business Sense

Blog / By JCA / December 19, 2022

smiling man with groceries

by Cathy Nestoriak, Director of Senior Employment for JCA Contrary to what you might see portrayed on social media, older workers may hold the key to productivity in the workforce. While negative stereotypes abound, I am here to tell you that older workers make good business sense. Just look at the facts! Older workers save …

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What to Know About Working After Age 65

Blog, News / By JCA / December 12, 2022

older man uses computer

Published by the Beacon, By Kate Ashford Continuing to work past the traditional retirement age gives many the opportunity to add more money to their nest egg — and to delay Social Security, which will bump up their eventual benefits check. In May, 21.9% of Americans ages 65 and older were working, compared with 19.5% …

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