
Find Out About Transportation Options During Virtual Meeting

JCA Programs, News / By Beri Kravitz / October 12, 2020

woman helping man into car

Montgomery County, Md. and the Jewish Council for the Aging of Greater Washington’s Connect-A-Ride are holding a virtual education event Nov. 18 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on transportation options in Montgomery County, Md. during COVID. Zoom into this educational event to learn about public and private transportation resources available to seniors and adults …

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JCA 47th Annual Meeting Was A Smashing Success

Community Events, News / By Beri Kravitz / October 7, 2020

During our virtual Annual Meeting on Sept. 30, JCA installed its new slate of officers and honored all those who helped our organization not only grow but also adapt our programming to meet the needs of our participants during these COVID-19 days and months. Thank you Gil Preuss, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater …

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National Good Neighbor Day is Monday, Sept. 28

News / By Beri Kravitz / September 23, 2020

    During these uncertain times, we can all be good neighbors by staying connected, especially to seniors aging in place. JCA VillageRides thanks the Super Hero volunteers of our 17 community partners who are helping seniors from becoming isolated by safely giving a ride to the doctor, running a quick errand or checking on neighboring seniors. Look for …

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Featured Item, JCA Events, News / By Beri Kravitz / September 2, 2020

Register today for the Jewish Council for the Aging’s virtual 47TH ANNUAL MEETING & AWARDS CEREMONY on Wednesday, September 30, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. with an after-Meeting “social” on Zoom from 8:00 to 8:30 p.m. To register, click here!

Our honorees include

Norman Goldstein
Current President
Howard Gleckman
Incoming President
Avery Bliss
Volunteer of the Year
Jodie Rasch
Staff Member of the Year

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Look For JCAs New Postcards At A Store Near You

News / By Beri Kravitz / August 26, 2020

We hope you like our new postcards that are being distributed in groceries and other stores throughout the area. Check out all the services we offer. If you need assistance or want to volunteer with one of our many programs, give us a call!

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JCA Announces New Board Members

News / By Beri Kravitz / August 7, 2020

David Gamse viewing portraits of previous JCA presidents

The Jewish Council for the Aging of Greater Washington, Inc. (JCA), a charitable 501(c)(3) corporation, announces its new and continuing lay leaders with terms beginning at the JCA® Annual Meeting (AM) of Sept 30, 2020. The proposed Executive Committee (EC) members with terms ending at the AM of 2021 are President (Pres): Howard Gleckman; 1st …

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SHIP Has Gone Virtual

News / By Suzanne Pollak / July 2, 2020

Many JCA programs have adapted to stay-at-home and social distancing guidelines by going virtual and the Montgomery County State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) is no exception. Our free monthly Medicare presentations previously held at County libraries have moved online! If you are about to enroll in Medicare and need more information, SHIP will help …

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Jewish Organizations Issue Solidarity Statement

News / By Beri Kravitz / June 3, 2020

The Jewish Council for the Aging has joined with many of our fellow Jewish organizations in Greater D.C. to condemn the brutal killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. On behalf of dozens of signatories, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington (JCRC) issued a Solidarity Statement that reads: …The Jewish people …

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Career Gateway Goes Virtual

News / By Beri Kravitz / May 18, 2020

Even a pandemic can’t step JCA’s Career Gateway classes. If you are 50 years or older and frustrated by your job search, Career Gateway is for you. It will help you hone your resume, polish your networking and interviewing skills and enable you to use the Internet more effectively. Each session of  Career Gateway features …

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Please read before visiting JCA

News / By Beri Kravitz / March 10, 2020

JCA would like to share our new guidelines related to COVID-19 in an attempt to keep our staff, volunteers, participants and other VIPs as healthy as possible. Thank you.  LET’S WORK TOGETHER TO KEEP ONE ANOTHER SAFE. COVID-19, a coronavirus disease, is continuing to spread. Fear about it is spreading even faster. Please let’s work …

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