Find Out About Transportation Options During Virtual Meeting

woman helping man into car

Montgomery County, Md. and the Jewish Council for the Aging of Greater Washington’s Connect-A-Ride are holding a virtual education event Nov. 18 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on transportation options in Montgomery County, Md. during COVID.

Zoom into this educational event to learn about public and private transportation resources available to seniors and adults with disabilities. While all residents need to remain cautious about their travels during the COVID pandemic, they cannot completely avoid all medical appointments and other vital activities.

Click here to join
Meeting ID: 916 6676 5222
Passcode: 828741
One tap mobile
+1-301-715-8592,,91666765222#,,,,,,0#,,828741# US (Germantown)

Due to frigid temperatures and icy conditions, Kensington Clubs and Kesher Cafe will be closed for in-person programming for the remainder of this week, January 22, 23, and 24. Programs will be held virtually on Zoom. All KC and Kesher Cafe members are invited to participate and can find the Zoom link in their email.

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