Free Caregiver Camp

caregiver kisses man on the head

Join Pamela Mills, Associate Director of Care Management for Corewood Care for a free Caregiver Camp every Tuesday in October. The multi-week series aims to educate and provide resources for family and spousal caregivers of older adults who are living with Alzheimer’s or related neurocognitive impairments.

Tuesday in October from 10:30am to 12pm

Darnestown Presbyterian Church, 15120 Turkey Foot Road, Darnestown MD

Sign up by emailing or calling (301) 948-9127.

Speakers and topics:

October 1st:  An inside perspective of the caregiving partnership with Sam Simon “The Dementia Man” and his care coach, and Nettie Kupernick

  • Discussing the personal journeys of caregivers and care recipients.
  • General education about dementia(s), diagnosis criteria, stages, and ongoing symptoms overview

October 8th: Legal Aspects of Caregiving with Ayana Johnson of Johnson Legal Group

  • Discussion about Adv. Directives, Power of Attorney documents, and Wills
  • Financial Planning for caregiving

October 15th: Understanding the Costs of Care with Lance Slatton of All Homecare Matters

October 22nd: Stress of Caregiving and Self Care with author and podcast host, Tracey Cram Perkins

  • Understanding the stressors of caregiving on both people (giver and receiver), the importance of self-care, guilt “I have to do everything,” When and how to get help?

October 29th:  Anticipatory Grief, Bereavement, and Emotional Support with Rev. Brandon Brewer of CaringMatters

  • Discussion of Anticipatory and Ambiguous Grief, Bereavement, Palliative Care and Hospice services