Heyman Interages® Center

Volunteers with Heyman Interages® Center Span Generations

For more than 30 years Interages has been a program where seniors and youth meet face to face to discuss issues, solve problems, receive instruction and build relationships.  Intergenerational volunteer programming provides opportunities for individuals at both ends of the age spectrum to discover that the myths they’ve heard about the young and the old are far from true and they have so much to learn from each other.  Our current programming offers a combination of virtual and in-person opportunities which provide the benefits of intergenerational interaction.  In order to create this programming, Interages is fortunate to have developed strong relationships with community-based organizations that work with children throughout the greater Washington DC area as well as Montgomery County Public Schools.

We are pleased to be able to offer volunteer opportunities for seniors who are 50 years old and above, service-learning opportunities for students in middle school through high school, and volunteer tutoring opportunities for university and college students.

Generations United logoThe Heyman Interages Center has been designated as an intergenerational Program of Distinction by Generations United. Generations United’s Program of Distinction designation serves as the U.S. benchmark for intergenerational programs and is based on the criteria that underpin the effectiveness of high-quality intergenerational programs. The Heyman Interages Center is part of an elite class as a program recognized with a designation of this stature.

Opportunities for Seniors

Our opportunities are constantly changing. For the most up-to-date information, check with the Montgomery County Volunteer Center. Enter “interages” in the search area.

Tutoring/mentoring/reading/math with young students through MCPS or nonprofit organizations

boy listens to volunteer tell story

If you’re age 50+, we invite you to volunteer with JCA Heyman Interages® Center’s high-impact programs. Our programs occur throughout Montgomery County at local schools, senior living facilities, and libraries, or on zoom. Volunteers help youth ages 5-18 with academics, self-confidence, and an appreciation of cross-age connections. As a JCA Interages volunteer, you can make a difference in as little as one hour a week, or you can increase your impact by giving more time. We provide training and ongoing support and will work with you to find the right opportunity to fit your interests, skills, and schedule.

girl reading book perched on globe

Volunteer Portal

We have a running list of volunteer opportunities on our volunteer portal.  You can view the list here and choose the program that fits your schedule, location, and talents! Help a student improve their reading skill, read a bedtime story, or join a book club – all the programs offer enriching experiences for both students and volunteers.

Heyman Interages Center
Elementary School Programs 2024-2025
(A sampling of our programs are listed alphabetically below.)

The Bridges Program is an innovative outreach program that was created to connect adult volunteers with elementary school students who newly arrived in the United States and learning English. The program helps students gain understanding, competency, and fluency with the language, and volunteers provide light academic support in the process. There is also a cultural exchange that takes place as students and volunteers learn from each other and broaden their cultural understandings.

Grandreaders (2nd Grade Students)
The Grandreaders program is a one-on-one reading program for 2nd grade students. An older adult reads once a week with an assigned child. Students are selected by their teachers from among the ones who need one-on-one reading time and connection. The first book everyone reads is “As Best Friends Do.” This is a book written by two JCA Interages volunteers. Volunteers tailor the books for the students to read according to the child’s interest and abilities.

In-Class Support
In-class support provides opportunities for volunteers to work in the classroom one-on-one or in small groups with students who may need additional attention and assistance in areas such as language arts, math, science, and social studies. Volunteers work to increase students’ skills in class subjects and to develop meaningful intergenerational connections.

Read Across America
In partnership with Montgomery County Public Libraries, Students in grades K–3 can practice their reading skills with preselected, vetted volunteers from the Jewish Council for the Aging Heyman Interages Center at libraries throughout Montgomery County. Library locations may change from year to year. Read Across America occurs annually during National Read Across America Week in March.

Read Across Generations
In partnership with Montgomery County Public Libraries, students in grades K-3 can practice their reading skills during the summer while reading one-on-one with previously selected volunteers (50+) from the Jewish Council for the Aging Heyman Interages Center. Students can bring their own book or select one from the library. The program typically runs for 5 weeks from July to August. Parents or family members accompanying children participating in the program who are also interested in practicing their reading can join their children in the reading with the volunteer.

Reader’s Theater
Reader’s Theater is a program in which the readers gather in small groups to present dramatic readings of narrative material without costumes, props, scenery, or special lighting. Readers use only vocal expressions to help convey stories. Equipped with Reader’s Theater materials, JCA adult volunteers meet once a week during the school day or after school hours with 2nd to 5th grade students, divided by grade.

SHARE (Students Help and Reach Elders)
SHARE brings together youth from area schools and older adults from area assisted living facilities and adult day programs for meaningful connections. The program includes fun activities during weekly one-hour programs such as conversation, arts and crafts, STEM activities, music, and interactive games.

Middle and High School Programs 2024-2025

Dialogues Across the Ages
Volunteers and students engage in cross-age discussions of current events and social studies topics. The generations learn about each other’s interests, lifestyles, and views during these multi-week (typically eight) sessions, which are designed to foster mutual understanding and respect.

Virtual Book Club
Intergenerational book clubs for middle school students are built on a rich, cooperative partnership between JCA Interages and Montgomery County Public Library (MCPL). Book clubs promote a love of literature in a positive, nurturing environment, establish strong intergenerational relationships and communication, and provide an opportunity for creativity, reflection, and information synthesis. Book clubs meet four times per year for four weekly sessions.

Opportunities for students: Service Learning opportunities

girl listens intently to senior volunteerMontgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) believes that service learning addresses recognized community needs and is connected to advancing curriculum goals. All service projects, be they indirect, direct, or through advocacy, include phases of preparation, action, and reflection. Quality service learning projects provide students with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and career exploration opportunities that lead to effective citizenship in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. MCPS is committed to quality service-learning experiences for all students. 


Service Learning Programs at JCA Interages

2025 Summer Volunteer Programs for Students 

2025 Summer Volunteer opportunities will be posted here soon.

Please view the list of summer volunteer opportunities on the Youth Volunteer Opportunities page. SSL hours are available for all programs.

Intergenerational Book Clubs-Middle School, High School

Montgomery County Public Libraries and the Jewish Council for the Aging Heyman Interages® Center are hosting an intergenerational book club for students in middle school and high school. Students and older adult community members meet weekly for one month to read the same book and discuss it at the weekly meetings. Participants have discussions about the book while enjoying conversations and hearing perspectives from people of another generation.

Students will be asked to write a short essay, and create a poster or flyer from what they learned from the book. Six SSL hours will be awarded to each student if he/she participates in all four meetings and present their projects on time.

To find out which programs have availability, please contact Indira Dingledine at idingledine@accessjca.org or visit the Montgomery County Volunteer Center website at

Please note the following guidelines for student service through live virtual platforms:

  • A student’s parent/guardian must provide the nonprofit with written approval of the student’s participation in the virtual platform prior to the student serving/volunteering.
  • Students must use personal/private accounts (not MCPS student accounts) to engage in the virtual platform.
  • Students will only engage with others under the direct supervision of a nonprofit supervisor. The nonprofit supervisor will be directly present in the virtual space (including any breakout sessions) at all times.
  • The nonprofit supervisor will initiate and host all virtual sessions. If the nonprofit supervisor is not available to initiate and host the virtual session, the session will not occur.
  • Virtual sessions will not be recorded.

Student participation in this service project is at the discretion of the student’s parent/guardian. The nonprofit organization is responsible for maintaining student safety and privacy at any time the student interacts with the nonprofit and its clients. The nonprofit organization will determine the number of SSL hours awarded based on the evidence submitted. Parents/guardians should contact the nonprofit directly with any questions and/or concerns. This service activity is designed to be completed within the safety of the student’s home until schools resume normal status. 

This program is an opportunity to share myself, learn from others, and broaden cultural understandings.

— Intergenerational Bridges Volunteer

The Interages Connector Newsletter

Volume 42 | January 23, 2023

Volume 43 | February 23, 2023

Volume 44 | March 17, 2023

Volume 45 | April 21, 2023

Volume 46 | May 19, 2023

Volume 47 | June 23, 2023

Volume 48 | July 19, 2023

Volume 49 | August 22, 2023

Volume 50 | September 22, 2023

Volume 51 | October 19, 2023

Volume 52 | November 15, 2023

Volume 53 | December 22, 2023

Volume 30 | January 19, 2022

Volume 31 | February16,  2022

Volume 32 | March 16, 2022

Volume 33 | April 13, 2022

Volume 34 | May 18, 2022

Volume 35 | June 22, 2022

Volume 36 | July 25, 2022

Volume 37 | August 22, 2022

Volume 38 | September 21, 2022

Volume 39 | October 21, 2022

Volume 40 | November 22, 2022

Volume 41 | December 22, 2022

Volume 18 | January 20, 2021

Volume 19 | February 17, 2021

Volume 20 | March 17, 2021

Volume 21 | April 14, 2021

Volume 22 | May 12, 2021

Volume 23 | June 16, 2021

Volume 24 | July 14, 2021

Volume 25 | August 18, 2021

Volume 26 | September 15, 2021

Volume 27 | October 13, 2021

Volume 28 | November 17, 2021

Volume 29 | December 15, 2021

Volume 1 | April 1, 2020

Volume 2 | April 8, 2020

Volume 3 | April 15, 2020

Volume 4 | April 22, 2020

Volume 5 | May 20, 2020

Volume 6 | June 17, 2020

Volume 8 | July 1, 2020

Volume 9 | July 15, 2020

Volume 10 | July 29, 2020

Volume 11 | August 12, 2020

Volume 12 | August 26, 2020

Volume 14 | September 23, 2020

Volume 15 | October 21, 2020

Volume 16 | November 18, 2020

Volume 17 | December 16, 2020

happy girl and volunteer doing arts and crafrts


Learn about the founding of the Heyman Interages® Center, dating back to 1986

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Gabby interview screenshot

Intergenerational Interview Project

View videos from the Intergenerational Interview Project

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volunteer and child with Paddington book and stuffed animal

Intergenerational Connections Matter

Intergenerational volunteering has many benefits

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woman holding

Donate Now

Donate to the Interages program

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For More Information

Contact: Dana Hirsch

Phone: 301-255-4205

Email: Dana.Hirsch@AccessJCA.org