Home » News & Events » JCA 47th Annual Meeting Was A Smashing Success
During our virtual Annual Meeting on Sept. 30, JCA installed its new slate of officers and honored all those who helped our organization not only grow but also adapt our programming to meet the needs of our participants during these COVID-19 days and months.
Thank you Gil Preuss, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, for your kind words and support. Thank you also to Past President Norm Goldstein for two great years under your leadership, and a big warm welcome to new President Howard Gleckman.
During the meeting, we honored 16-year-old Avery Bliss as our Volunteer of the Year for her hard work and artistic and technical talent that enabled JCA to shine through videos and help isolated seniors feel more connected. We also honored Jodie Rasch, manager of The Career Gateway and Career Tech Programs, for continuing to help older adults find meaningful employment.
If you weren’t able to join us, please enjoy our great year by watching a video of the meeting.
Closed for weather
Due to frigid temperatures and icy conditions, Kensington Clubs and Kesher Cafe will be closed for in-person programming for the remainder of this week, January 22, 23, and 24. Programs will be held virtually on Zoom. All KC and Kesher Cafe members are invited to participate and can find the Zoom link in their email.
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