JCA Honors its Awesome Volunteers

Tuesday night April 20, the Jewish Council for the Aging virtually honored the hundreds of volunteers who are the soul of the agency.

Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School eleventh grader Julia Peppe received the Exceptional Youth Volunteer Service Award for her efforts supporting members of our Gorlitz Kensington Clubs. 




Receiving the Exceptional Adult Volunteer Awards are:

Sharon Doner, a volunteer with the Gorlitz Kensington Clubs




Shira Harrington Lotzar, a volunteer with Career Gateway!






SHIP Part D Team – volunteers with JCA’s State Health Insurance Assistance Program. Marianne Miller accepted the award on the team’s behalf.






Kay Klass, a volunteer with the Heyman Interages Center  received the Cutler Award.





William Torrey, a volunteer with the Heyman Interages Center, received the Austin Heyman Award.

Due to frigid temperatures and icy conditions, Kensington Clubs and Kesher Cafe will be closed for in-person programming for the remainder of this week, January 22, 23, and 24. Programs will be held virtually on Zoom. All KC and Kesher Cafe members are invited to participate and can find the Zoom link in their email.

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