Home » News & Events » The Benefits of Volunteering – You May Be Surprised
Why is volunteering important?
Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity.
Are you thinking of becoming a volunteer? The list below offers 10 excellent reasons to sign up. Also, watch this TEDx talk for some surprising benefits of volunteering.
10. It’s good for you.
Volunteering provides physical and mental rewards.
9. It saves resources
Volunteering provides valuable community services so more money can be spent on local improvements. The estimated value of a volunteer’s time in California is $26.87 per hour based on the Corporation for National & Community Service.
8. Volunteers gain professional experience
You can test out a career and practice newly gained skills.
7. It brings people together
As a volunteer, you assist in uniting people from diverse backgrounds to work toward a common goal and building camaraderie through teamwork.
6. It promotes personal growth and self-esteem
Understanding community needs helps foster empathy and self-efficacy.
5. Volunteering strengthens your community
As a volunteer you help:
4. You learn a lot
Volunteers discover hidden talents that may change their view of their self-worth. Through working with local non-profit agencies, volunteers learn about the functions and operations of our government. Volunteers gain knowledge of local resources available to solve community needs.
3. You get a chance to give back
People like to support community resources that they use themselves or that benefit people they care about.
2. Volunteering encourages civic responsibility
Community service and volunteerism are an investment in our community and the people who live in it.
1. You make a difference
Every person counts!