
Caregiver Self-Care: Why You Should Create a Caregiver Bill of Rights

Blog, KC Blog / By JCA / April 2, 2024

caregiver reads page with older man

by Susan Stiles for NCOA A first and very important step in self-care is to establish your own Caregiver Bill of Rights. You’ve gotten the checklist from your care recipient’s health care team on how to care for them. Now, it’s time to put down on paper how you want to care for yourself and …

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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Ethical Wills

Blog / By JCA / March 27, 2024

hand holds crystal ball against vista from mountain

from our partner, Buried In Work While you’re likely familiar with the concept of a Last Will & Testament for handling one’s affairs after passing, there’s a lesser-known, yet equally impactful counterpart that doesn’t deal with material assets. Enter the world of ethical wills – a concept that may not be in your current life …

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Ageism in Health Care

Blog / By JCA / March 25, 2024

woman looks annoyed while speaking to doctor

by Ashley Milne-Tyte for NPR Ageism in healthcare is more common than you might think, and it can harm people Researchers and geriatricians say that instances of ageism – discrimination based on a person’s age – are surprisingly common in health care settings. It can lead to both overtreatment and undertreatment of older adults, says …

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Early Detection Matters: 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s

Blog, KC Blog / By JCA / March 22, 2024

doctor looks at brain scans

by BriAnn Hill for NCOA There’s no one test that can be used to definitively diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. Instead, doctors use a combination of medical history, neurological exams, brain imaging, and other diagnostic tools to make a diagnosis with as much accuracy as possible. The approval of new therapies makes early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s even more …

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March ’24 Senior Resources Guide: Aging Gracefully, Positively, and Healthily

Blog / By JCA / March 7, 2024

older woman with basket of flowers

by Suzanne Pollak, senior writer for JCA, for the Washington Jewish Week Upgrades in modern medicine, housing and technology really are making life easier for older adults. There are more effective ways to deal with pain as well as improved methods to treat prostate cancer screen more effectively test for breast cancer. Realizing it is …

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Improve Your Personal Cyber Security

Blog / By JCA / March 6, 2024

man holding credit card looks at computer screen

from NCOA Avoiding Scams and Fraud for Older Adults: How Older Adults Can Improve Their Personal Cyber Security The web can be a rich source of information, connection, and community for older adults—something that became even clearer during the COVID-19 pandemic. But as with any public space, you need to be aware of your surroundings. …

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Hearing Loss and Anxiety: Why It Happens and How to Cope

Blog / By JCA / February 29, 2024

woman tries to comfort man

by Lauren Sherman, MS for NCOA Hearing loss can make communication and social interactions more challenging, which can potentially impact your overall well-being. Difficulty understanding conversations, feelings of isolation, concerns about missing important information, and the constant strain to compensate for hearing loss can contribute to heightened anxiety levels. Anxiety can affect hearing Somewhat unknown …

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What Exercises Can Help You Prevent a Fall?

Blog / By JCA / February 23, 2024

three women in dance studio

by Tiffany Shubert and Rebecca Elmitt for National Council on Aging Anyone of any age or ability can get stronger and improve their balance. And staying strong and having good balance are especially important for older adults. Why? Because staying strong and practicing balance skills are critical to managing your fall risk. The stronger your …

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Jewish Funerals and End-of-Life Traditions

Blog / By JCA / February 20, 2024

headstone with Jewish star and many pebbles

From our partner, Buried in Work This guide is also linked on our Resources page. Overview of Jewish End of Life Traditions Jewish end-of-life traditions are deeply rooted in history, religious texts, and cultural practices, reflecting a profound respect for life, the dignity of the deceased, and the process of grieving. These traditions offer comfort …

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The ‘UnRetiree’ Movement

Blog / By JCA / February 15, 2024

older woman works with a laptop

by Wendy Helfenbaum for reworked Remember “quiet quitting”? Well, it’s shifted into a “quiet return,” according to a recent Pew study. A growing number of older workers have been heading back to the office since the pandemic, in some cases in search of bridge jobs to combat the effects of high inflation, while others are being …

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