
Webinar: Reimagining Care Delivery: Toward A More Perfect Health Care System

Blog, News / By JCA / June 15, 2023

Howard Gleckman

What would a more perfect healthcare and social care delivery system for older adults look like? Howard Gleckman, immediate past president of JCA, an Urban Institute Fellow, journalist, and the author of Caring for Our Parents, talks about where seniors now get care, who pays for it, how to plan for care an elder may …

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Marylanders Online Offers Technology Helpline

Blog / By JCA / May 17, 2023

two older adults looking at a tablet

Marylanders Online is an initiative through the University of Maryland Extension (UME) and College of Information Studies (INFO) with state funding that aims to bridge the digital divide throughout the state of Maryland. Marylanders Online Call Center is available to provide FREE one-on-one tech support to all Maryland residents and bring digital equity to Maryland. …

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May ’23 Senior Resources Guide: Aging Myths Debunked

Blog / By JCA / May 16, 2023

woman swimming with flowery bathing cap

The National Institute of Aging in Bethesda, Maryland is running a campaign called 10 Myths About Aging. In this Senior Resources Guide, written by the Jewish Council for the Aging of Greater Washington, we will take an in-depth look at these myths and why they don’t necessarily occur just because you reach a certain age. …

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Study Launches for Online Tool Advising Dementia Care Partners

Blog, KC Blog / By JCA / May 11, 2023

Older woman looking at smart phone

The WeCareAdvisor is a research study funded by the National Institute on Aging. The study is evaluating whether the use of an online tool (the WeCareAdvisor) can provide caregivers with helpful strategies to manage dementia-related behavioral and psychological symptoms that, in turn, reduce stress and enhance confidence. The WeCareAdvisor walks caregivers through an easy-to-use step-by-step …

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Understanding the End of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency

Blog / By JCA / May 11, 2023

hand holding a negative Covid test

from the blog of Howard Gleckman, Immediate Past President of JCA President Biden’s announcement that the Covid-19 public health emergency (PHE) will end on May 11 will have a significant impact on older adults. Some changes will be immediate, and others won’t occur for nearly two years. Some may improve care for older adults, and …

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The Top 5 Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults

Blog, News / By JCA / April 11, 2023

hands holding a credit card and using a laptop

This blog post references an article from 2022 about financial scams. Since then, undoubtedly, new scams have popped up. It is best to be suspicious of any email you receive from an unrecognized source. Hover your cursor over the “from” field to reveal the full address of the sender. If it does not match the …

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The Benefits of Volunteering – You May Be Surprised

Blog / By JCA / March 28, 2023

volunteer reads with a child

Why is volunteering important? Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity. Are you thinking of becoming a volunteer? The …

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Features of Hearing Aids

Blog / By JCA / March 22, 2023

salesperson with array of hearingaids

by David Smith, JCA Board Member Modern hearing aids come with a wide variety of features that can help people with hearing loss improve their communication and quality of life. Some of the most common features include: Bluetooth compatibility: This allows users to connect their hearing aids to their smartphone or other devices that use …

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March ’23 Senior Resources Guide: The Job Picture is Looking Up

Blog, News / By JCA / March 13, 2023

older worker and woman look at plants in a shop

by Suzanne Pollak, JCA Senior Writer/Editor The Job Picture is Looking Up; Many Employers Want To Hire Seniors The pandemic set many workers on a new trajectory, and that is not necessarily a bad thing at all. According to Carly Roszowski, vice president of financial resilience programming at AARP, 23% of seniors are considered long-term …

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Selecting a Hearing Aid

Blog / By JCA / March 9, 2023

woman and doctor examine hearing aid

by David Smith, JCA Board Member Selecting a hearing aid can be complicated and confusing, even with the help of a hearing professional. This and future blogs will help you understand your choices and how to make the best one for your hearing needs and for your pocketbook. For many years, the only way to …

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