from The Arc of Montgomery County
If you reside in Montgomery County and are an unpaid, primary caregiver for a frail senior citizen, living in the same household, you may apply for respite coordination from The Arc Montgomery County.
The respite program can provide short-term relief for a few hours, a day, a weekend, or sometimes longer. However, respite care is not a substitute for ongoing care or adult day care. It’s just a way to support families who take care of their loved ones at home. Families can choose from many respite care venues, including the family home, adult medical day programs, and approved respite facilities.
>>The FY24 respite application for new families will be available on The Arc of Montgomery County website on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.<<
Learn how a respite caregiver can (and cannot) support your family.
NOTE: Respite applications will not be processed for family members who receive state-funded, in-home supports. This includes services received through Community First Choice, REM, Community Pathways, Family Supports Waiver, Maryland Community Support, Autism Waiver, etc.
Respite may provide a subsidy to pay a Respite Care Provider (RCP), but it is not an entitlement. Eligibility for a subsidy does not guarantee funds for each respite occasion requested. There is limited funding for respite care and our goal is to assist as many families as possible each month.
For more information, contact Respite at 301.984.5777 x1204.