
Family Caregiving Pointers Added to HelpLine Resources Page

Blog, KC Blog, News / By JCA / December 5, 2022

caregiver helps woman in wheelchair apply makeup

with content from Innerbody’s Resources for Family Caregivers, by Katie Kottemann, MA, PhD The Senior HelpLine resources page continues to gather web-based advice and assistance to serve older adults and their caregivers in our community. The latest addition is a guide for family caregivers. A family caregiver takes care of an aging, ill, or disabled …

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JCA Senior Helpline – At Holiday Time and Year-Round

Blog, News / By JCA / November 17, 2022

grandmother pours water for granddaughter

With Thanksgiving approaching, many families are planning to gather and celebrate with a wonderful sense of gratitude for being able to spend quality time with one another. It is common for these gatherings to alert family members that an older relative is facing a decline in mental or physical health or complaints of struggles with …

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Safety and Planning is a Snap! When to Claim Social Security

Blog, KC Blog, News / By JCA / November 10, 2022

Social Security application

by Sally Pessin I met with a client (“Rick”) who was a helicopter pilot.  He insisted that he would be better off taking his Social Security (“SS”) benefits before his full retirement age of 67.  He believed that if he claimed his benefit early, at age 62 and invested the money in the stock market, …

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Upcoming Senior Planet Classes

Blog, KC Blog, News / By Beri Kravitz / November 7, 2022

man using laptop

Senior Planet (from AARP) will be offering many classes this November in several languages. All these classes will enhance and improve your computer proficiency – Chromebook skills, Google productivity tools, enjoying Spotify, choosing a new computer, and more. See the full list and links to register.

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From our CEO: How JCA Impacts Social Determinants of Health

Blog / By JCA / November 3, 2022

JCA building and headshot of Shane Rock

by Shane Rock, JCA CEO An individual’s health and quality of life are strongly influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors—termed social determinants of health—that include adequate nutritious food, stable and sufficient income, safe and affordable housing, reliable transportation, social connectedness, access to quality health care, and a safe neighborhood. Older adults who struggle with …

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The Older Worker Paradox

Blog, News / By JCA / October 31, 2022

woman with curly grey hair works at computer

by Richard Eisenberg, from Next Avenue Here’s a strange paradox regarding older workers: On the one hand, they’re 14% less likely to receive the highest annual performance ratings, according to Mercer’s Workforce Sciences Institute. But, those analysts found, business units’ financial and operational performance rise with increased tenure of their workers. What gives? Some 78% of people …

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Parental Tech Support: Protect Your Parent’s Cell Phone

Blog, News / By JCA / October 19, 2022

man looking at phone with confused face

from the Washington Post, by Heather Kelly Parental Tech Support: Everything you should fix on a senior’s phone Clean up and optimize your parent’s smartphone with 20 minutes and this checklist. Next time you see your parents in person (and really, you should visit more often) do everyone a favor. Take 30 minutes to borrow …

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Reduce Risk of Medication Errors

Blog, News / By JCA / October 12, 2022

green pills pouring into palm of hand

from the Beacon, by Mayo Clinic Staff Dear Mayo Clinic: My friend’s father recently died from a medication error. One of his prescriptions was filled incorrectly and caused a fatal reaction. I take multiple medications for various conditions. How can I reduce my risk for a medication error? A: Medication errors refer to mistakes in …

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You Can Lower Your Prescription Drug Costs

Blog, News / By JCA / October 4, 2022

prescription pills

Prescription drug costs can add up. Medicare Part D is optional coverage which can defray costs for those who take prescription drugs on a regular basis or think they will need to in the future. Consult the Montgomery County SHIP website, plus you can request a price comparison from SHIP. Refer to this article from …

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When Family Caregivers Need Help, Too

Blog, KC Blog, News / By JCA / October 3, 2022

older man with cane walks arm in arm with woman

from the Beacon, by Ana Prager Hart In the United States, families are the primary source of support for older adults and people with disabilities. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC), more than 65 million people — 29% of Americans — provide care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or …

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